The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire Council in the following 12 months are set out below:


Publication Date:


20 May 2024

Last updated:

20 May 2024

Period covered by Plan:

20 May 2024 - 31 May 2025







In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision.  It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold an Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information.  For further information and advice please contact the Head of Democratic Services and Scrutiny on 01609 533531.




Likely Date of Decision

**Decision Taker

In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director)

Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why

Key Decision



Decision Required


(i.e. the principal groups to be consulted)

Consultation Process

(i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken)

Contact details for making representations

(Tel: 0845 034 9494)

unless specified otherwise)

Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker















































11 Jun 2024





York & North Yorkshire Key Route Network



To seek agreement on the finalised draft of the North Yorkshire parts of the proposed Key Route Network for York and North Yorkshire ahead of approval by the Mayoral Combined Authority.


Environment Executive Member

By email to

James Gilroy, Team Leader, Highway Asset Management


York & North Yorkshire Key Route Network



11 Jun 2024





Consultation on changes to the Council’s Home to School Travel Policy



To report the outcome of a consultation on a proposed new Home to School Travel Policy for North Yorkshire.
To seek approval of the proposed policy to move forward for adoption by the Council in July 2024.


Parents / carers, schools, governors, NYC councillors, neighbouring councils, parish councils, academy trusts, transport contractors, Diocese, MP and other stakeholders.

Public consultation between 19 February and 26 April 2024. Consultation documents available on NYC website. Several engagement activities undertaken with a mixture of virtual and in-person events.

Amanda Newbold, AD Education & Skills




11 Jun 2024





CYPS Schools Capital Programme



To consider and approve proposals for a programme of works to schools arising from a capital allocation received by the Council for the financial year 2024-25.


School representatives will be consulted.

Consultation will be undertaken at a meeting of the Schools’ Forum

Jon Holden, Head of Property Services

CYPS Schools Capital Programme



11 Jun 2024





Administrative amendments to the LGPS Discretions Policy



Consideration of proposed minor administrative amendments to the LGPS Discretions Policy and a proposed delegation to the Assistant Chief Executive Business Support & HR to make in-year minor administrative amendments to the Policy, for recommendation to full Council for approval.


Relevant NYC Officers and Members

Correspondence and meetings

Trudy Forster, Assistant Chief Executive - HR & Business Support

Administrative amendments to the LGPS Discretions Policy



11 Jun 2024





National Childcare Expansion Programme for Early Years and Wraparound provision



To inform Executive of the plan to manage the National Expansion of Childcare grant funding for Early Years and Wraparound provision through Capital and Revenue grants. The funding is to be administered through NYC and will include dispersal of funds through an application process where existing and new providers apply to support the council to meet its sufficiency duties.
The decision required is to enable funds to be distributed through an agreed process, using funding agreements and assurance processes as required.




Amanda Newbold, AD Education & Skills

National Childcare Expansion Programme for Early Years and Wraparound provision



11 Jun 2024





Submission of data to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England



Following LGR, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England will be undertaking a Boundary Review. This review will identify the number of councillors to be elected and the geographies of the Divisions they represent for the next local government elections in 2027. The first stage of this is for the Council to submit a proposed number of Councillors and a prediction of the number of electors in each polling district in 2030. Executive will be asked to approve the submission of this information, and other background information required by the Boundary Commission.


The recommendations have been developed by a Member Working Group, supported by relevant officers.

The Boundary Review will be subject to two Public Consultations.

The public consultations will be run by the Boundary Commission, to gather views on draft and then final proposed division patterns (i.e the areas each council member will represent following the next election)

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive for Localities

01423 556187

Submission of data to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England



11 Jun 2024





North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy



To consider the proposed North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and recommend it for adoption to the Council.
NOTE: The North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board’s Terms of Reference state that “The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be referred to the Council for approval as part of the Council’s Policy Framework.”


•The public and partners
•North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board (finalised draft) in May 2024
•Executive on 18 June 2024
•Council on 24 July 2024
NOTE: There is on-going liaison with the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board, who will be asked to approve a draft Strategy to be consulted on, at its meeting on 29 November 2023.

In terms of the public and partners, a period of public consultation is planned for autumn/winter 2023.
In terms of the formal meetings referred to above, the process will be via presentation and discussion of the proposed Strategy at the relevant Committee meetings.

Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration

North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy





















18 Jun 2024





Review of North Yorkshire Bus Service Improvement Plan



To approve an updated Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) which requires submission to the Department of Transport (DfT) by 12 June 2024


Department for Transport guidance sets out that this should be agreed through the North Yorkshire Bus Enhanced Partnership which includes bus company and passenger group representatives.

Through the NY Bus Enhanced Partnership

Andrew Clarke, Public & Community Transport Manager

Review of North Yorkshire Bus Service Improvement Plan



18 Jun 2024





Local Authority Housing Funding



The purpose of this report is to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) for funding of £1,740,114 from the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF).
This funding will contribute towards the acquisition of 2 homes for temporary accommodation for homeless households plus an additional 11 affordable homes to provide accommodation for 11 households from the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS).


We will consult with the following:
The Councils Refugees Resettlement Manager
The Councils Head of Housing Needs

Consultation will take place on an on-going basis with the Refugee Resettlement Manager in order to identify suitable locations and properties for the Afghan households.
Similarly consultation will take place with the Head of Housing Needs to identify suitable locations and properties for the temporary accommodation for the homeless households.

John Burroughs, Housing Strategy and Development Officer

Local Authority Housing Funding



18 Jun 2024





Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptations Policy



Due to the variations in approach towards the method of delivery of the disabled facilities grant, there were also some subtle variations between the legacy areas in relation to their policy approach and their interpretation and implementation of legislation.

The report will therefore sets out the key recommendations for the policy and seek agreement to adopt the North Yorkshire Housing Assistance and Disabled Facilities Grant Policy for the new authority.


A draft policy was submitted to the LGR Housing board post vesting day. As part of the LGR work, consultation had taken place with representatives from the LGR Housing work stream. A further task

Lynn Williams, Head of Housing Renewal

Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptations Policy



18 Jun 2024





Housing Enforcement Policy



The report will set out the detail of the proposed NYC housing enforcement policy, which is required in order for us to deliver our statutory duties in relation to housing standards in the private sector.


As this is based on statutory legislation, consultation has been undertaken in house with environmental health and enforcement officers across the legacy council areas who deliver the service, in addition to other environmental health colleagues regionally and nationally.

Consultation was undertaken initially as part of the LGR work streams.
The policy has been developed based on the good practice of other authorities, through information sharing at regional and national meetings.
A housing enforcement workshop was utilised to discuss the key points of the policy amongst all staff delivering housing enforcement.

Lynn Williams, Head of Housing Renewal

Housing Enforcement Policy



18 Jun 2024





Adult Learning and Skills Service Accountability Agreement 2024-25



As a provider of adult education in receipt of grant funding of over £1m we must write and publish an accountability statement to form part 2 of our funding agreement with the Skills Funding Agency. We have also been advised that to meet financial procedure rules we must also document approval to receive the recurring grant funding that will make up part 1 of the documentation.

The statement is a mandatory part of the legislation linked to our current funding arrangements but must make clear reference to a document, written by West and North Yorkshire Chamber of commerce called the Learning Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) and the key priorities of the council. This document is this year’s version of a document approved for 2023-24 and our response is largely based upon the strategy for adult learning and skills engagement that we consulted on in July 2022 and just defines targets based on the LSIP and national skills requirements


The document will have been produced with full internal consultation with colleagues in inclusion service, economic development, training and learning and the wider localities teams, external consultation is based upon work with local further education providers as part of the LSIP steering board, with colleagues from the combined authority as part of the work to shape the MCA skills strategy and with colleagues at Yorkshire Learning Providers.

Whilst the document must respond to local key priorities it is key to the service to position this within the wider education landscape. Open consultation is not deemed necessary as the plan aligns the strategic direction of the service (subject to full open consultation) with these priorities the document must detail the key role the service plays in the adult education ecosystem, so consultation with these stakeholder groups is essential and will involve direct feedback on drafts of the document.

Paul Cliff, Shared Head of Adult Learning and Skills

Adult Learning and Skills Service Accountability Agreement 2024-25



18 Jun 2024





Boroughbridge High School, Boroughbridge – Proposal to remove Sixth Form Provision



Following the publication of statutory notices, to determine whether to change the age range at Boroughbridge High School, effective from 31 August 2024, by ceasing the Sixth Form Provision.

If there are no objections to the statutory notices, this decision will be taken by the Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills at the meeting with the Corporate Director - Children and Young People’s Service


Parents, Staff, Governors, Primary Feeder Schools, Local Secondary Schools, Local Elected Members, Town and parish councils, MP and other local stakeholders.

Consultation ran from 19 January to 1 March 2024. Consultation document issued to consultees and available on NYC website.

Statutory proposals published on NYC website, in a local newspaper and displayed at the school. Statutory proposals representation period from 4 April to 2 May 2024.

How representations may be made: In writing to the Corporate Director- Children and Young People’s Service, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE, or by email to by 2 May 2024

John Lee, CYPS Strategic Planning Officer

Boroughbridge High School, Boroughbridge – Proposal to remove Sixth Form Provision



18 Jun 2024





Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



The double devolution pilots are progressing with the parish and town councils, business case templates have been shared with them all and will require sign-off individually once completed. Specific dates to be agreed with each area and the Forward Plan will be updated for each area once this has been confirmed.
Areas for information:
Filey Town Council
Knaresborough Town Council
Malton Town Council
Northallerton Town Council
Ripon Town Council
Selby Town Council
Skipton Town Council
Whitby Town Council



No needed

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive for Localities ; 01423 556706

Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



18 Jun 2024





Review of Maximum Hackney Carriage Fares



To review the current maximum Hackney Carriage fares set by the Council consequent to consultation and statutory public notice.


Hackney Carriage trade and users of Hackney Carriages

The Hackney Carriage trade was consulted in the preparation of the original proposals. This was followed by a statutory public notice giving all parties a chance to comment on proposals.

Gareth Bentley, Head of Licensing

Review of Maximum Hackney Carriage Fares



18 Jun 2024





Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan – Decision Statement and referendum



This is a statutory stage in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan post Examination

Report is to set out a recommendation to agree the appended Decision statement (a statement which sets out the Council’s position on the Neighbourhood Plan) and agree that a referendum will be held.

Both the LPA and the Qualifying body agree with all of the Examiner’s recommendations and are in the process of modifying the plan to make it is capable to meet the basic conditions tests.


Internal consultation will take place in conjunction with the report’s production, also submission to Thirsk & Malton ACC on 14 June 2024.

The Plan has already been subject to consultation and examination as part of its production.

Rachael Balmer

Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan – Decision Statement and referendum



18 Jun 2024





Examiner’s Report on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement and Referendum



This is a statutory stage in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan that takes place following independent Examination of the plan.
The report will set out a recommendation on whether to agree an appended Decision Statement. The Decision statement will set out the Council’s position on the Neighbourhood Plan in-light of the Examiner’s Report and whether the Plan can progress to referendum.


The neighbourhood plan has already been subject to consultation by both the parish council- during their preparation of the plan, and the LPA following submission in order to inform the Examination.
Internal consultation with senior officers will take place in conjunction with the report’s preparation.

Email and meetings.

Natasha Durham, Planning Manager (Policy), Joe Varga, Senior Policy and Delivery Officer,

Examiner’s Report on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement and Referendum



18 Jun 2024





Temporary Accommodation Business Case



The report sets out plans to increase the provision of temporary accommodation stock in the county. The report seeks approval to follow the approach identified in the business case (mixed model in-house and registered provider developed provision).


Corporate Director of Community Development
Assistant Director of Resources for Community Development
Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing
Management Board
The Executive.

Via email briefings and in person meetings

Hannah Heinemann, Head of Housing Delivery and Partnerships

Temporary Accommodation Business Case











































20 Aug 2024





Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report









17 Sep 2024





Proposed extra care housing scheme



To approve funding to support the development of an extra care housing scheme in Whitby. To review the proposed scheme and outcome of the procurement.




Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services




17 Sep 2024





Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby



To approve the proposed redeployment of the property


Executive members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 8 June 2021


Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYCC Property Services




15 Oct 2024





Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



The double devolution pilots are progressing with the parish and town councils, business case templates have been shared with them all and will require sign-off individually once completed. Specific dates to be agreed with each area and the Forward Plan will be updated for each area once this has been confirmed.

Areas for information:
Filey Town Council
Knaresborough Town Council
Malton Town Council
Northallerton Town Council
Ripon Town Council
Selby Town Council
Skipton Town Council
Whitby Town Council



Not required

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive for Localities ;  Tel: 01423  556705

Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



15 Oct 2024





Annual Review of Member Champions



Annual Review of Member Champions




Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager

Annual Review of Member Champions





5 Nov 2024





Cultural Strategy for North Yorkshire



To seek approval for adoption of the Cultural Strategy for North Yorkshire, as facilitated and developed by the Culture



Via briefings and meetings, either in person or via Ms Teams or email.

Danielle Daglan, Head of Culture and Archives

Cultural Strategy for North Yorkshire





17 Dec 2024





Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



The double devolution pilots are progressing with the parish and town councils, business case templates have been shared with them all and will require sign-off individually once completed. Specific dates to be agreed with each area and the Forward Plan will be updated for each area once this has been confirmed.
Areas for information:
Filey Town Council
Knaresborough Town Council
Malton Town Council
Northallerton Town Council
Ripon Town Council
Selby Town Council
Skipton Town Council
Whitby Town Council



Not required

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive for Localities; Tel: 01423 556705

Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off



19 Nov 2024





Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



21 Jan 2025





Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council



To consider and recommend to Council the Revenue Budget for 2025/26 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management; Prudential Indicators


Management Board

Budget consultation process

Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council



18 Feb 2025





Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report





18 Mar 2025





North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy) - Publication



To seek approval to formally publish the statutory outputs of the North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy comprising
-local habitat map
-statement of biodiversity priorities.
As developed in accordance with the LNRS Regulations 2023.


Natural England
City of York Council
North York Moors National Park Authority
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Stakeholders and members of the public across NY and City of York

Online hosting

Timothy Johns, Senior Policy Officer

North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy) - Publication




Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry

Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.